Teresa Uzeda and her Maîtres
Teresa Uzeda’s biography narrated by Federico De Robertoin the Illusion (1891), the first great novel ofthe cycle of the Uzeda along with I Viceré (1894) and L’Imperio (1929), also includes the educationof the young heroine, who begins to study at first when she is 10 years old at the beginning of the novel, under the teaching of Miss,only to be followed by other teachers: arts, drawing,and also singing, until the age of 17 orso. However, in addition to 'school' education, Teresa will have access,thanks to its most devoted servant Stefana, to the enchanted and disrupting universe of fairytales, and then, driven by her transgressivecuriositas, to the universe as much magical and hazardous of novelsand theater, first of all the opera.What Bildung islooming then on Teresa’s destiny, this unhappy, misunderstood and most originalSicilian Bovary?Downloads
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