For a Teaching of the Arabic Literature in the Global Age: Projects and Suggestions
The purpose of this article is to raise some questions on the teaching of Arabic Literature in Italian high schools. This teaching is scheduled to be launched in the next years, although the courses’ organization are still far from being fully structured.
The Arabic literature teaching requires a profound renovation. The teachers have to cope with a variety of problems: which syllabus, which methods, which authors and texts to choose for courses? But, more importantly, which teaching approach is to be adopted in the global age, where literature has not only an aesthetic significance but is also of considerable importance from an intercultural and ethical point of view?
Through the presentation of two projects, the author offers some theoretical suggestions to create a learning environment which can be engaging and meaningful for students. The Arabic literature teaching needs to emancipate itself from its orientalistic tinge and become dynamic, student-oriented and up to the standards existing for other European foreign languages teaching.
The Arabic literature teacher cannot be only an arabist, he has to know how to teach literature – i.e. he has to be a 21th-century pedagogue, a literary critic of the global age, a cultural-linguistic mediator and a passionate reader.
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