Chasing the Animal: Desire for Metamorphosis in The Birds by Tarjei Vesaas and The Cheetahs by Finn Carling

  • Sara Culeddu University of Trento
Keywords: Desire, Animal, Metamorphosis, Objectual relation


The aim of this study is to analyze the relation between man and animal as an objectual relation and a desire of the former for the latter, highlighting the exceptional and transgressive dynamics that come into play when the object of desire is an animal. 

The thesis is that, in contemporary literature, the theme of desire towards the animal other, often tightly connected to the topos of metamorphosis, plays a key role in the dissolution of the unitary subject and leads to the multiplicity of being or, to cite Delueze and Guattari's A Thousand Plateaus, the multiplicity of becoming.

The analysis is focused on two norwegian novels from the twentieth century: Fuglane (The Birds) by Tarjei Vesaas (1957) and Gepardene (The Cheetahs) by Finn Carling.

After a short introduction to the novels, we will move on to explain how desire is the basis of the objectual relation between man and animal, in order to then show how it also represents a dynamic principle and a narrative model in the analyzed literary texts.


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Author Biography

Sara Culeddu, University of Trento
Temporary Researcher in Comparative Literature and Language Studies


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How to Cite
Culeddu, S. (2013). Chasing the Animal: Desire for Metamorphosis in <i>The Birds</i> by Tarjei Vesaas and <i>The Cheetahs</i&gt; by Finn Carling. Between, 3(5).