Dubbing: adapting cultures in the global communication era

  • Lidia Canu Università di Sassari
Keywords: adaptation, dubbing, translation, sociology of media, globalization


Adapting translation for dubbing is not a mere linguistic fact: it is mainly the adaptation of cultures. In fact, audiovisual translation and adaptation implicitly takes into account the importance of the historical background behind the multiplicity of languages and cultures, and by doing so, it becomes a means of cultural diffusion. That peculiarity enables what we can describe as the “socio-anthropological function” of the adaptation of translation for dubbing, which is the object of the following paper. Through an analysis of some important landmarks that intersected the history of some Western countries in the last two centuries, it was possible to trace a lack of reciprocity in the usage of dubbing in the two biggest film markets: North America and Europe. Clearly, that helps cultural supremacy to penetrate into our lives in a very subtle way. As a result, the paper attempts to demonstrate how dubbing spreads all cultures in order to have an effectively global communication.



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Author Biography

Lidia Canu, Università di Sassari

Dottoranda in Lingue, Linguaggi e Traduzione

Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche e Sociali


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How to Cite
Canu, L. (2012). Dubbing: adapting cultures in the global communication era. Between, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/803