Structural levels and reconstruction of the plot in the Blechtrommel by Volker Schlöndorff

  • Maurizio Pirro Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
Keywords: Die Blechtrommel, Günter Grass, Volker Schlöndorff


The paper aims to analyse the relationship between Günter Grass’s Blechtrommel, the work whose appearance in 1959 marked the end of a long period of crisis in the novel form in Germany, and Volker Schlöndorff’s film version of 1979, recognised as one of the most original examples of narrative adaptation from one medium to another. Among the issues considered are the structural transformations of the plot, which are very profound, because the complexity of Grass’s work does not lend itself easily to being transferred without change out of the context of writing, and also because of the different historical and cultural contexts in which the two authors operate. I come to the conclusion that in Grass’s novel the narrative elements intended to stimulate the reader’s identification with the protagonist are systematically balanced by other elements aimed at attracting the reader’s attention to the compatibility of the protagonist himself with certain aspects of totalitarian society. In Schlöndorff’s film, on the other hand, an aesthetic of empathy prevails, with the objective of evoking an ideal of social change centred on a symbolic image of  childhood.


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Author Biography

Maurizio Pirro, Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
Maurizio Pirro works a researcher in German literature in the "Dipartimento di Lettere Lingue Arti. Italianistica e Culture Comparate" - Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro". Research fields: German Literature of the 18. and 20. century. He has published follwing works: Anime floreali e utopia regressiva. Salomon Gessner e la tradizione dell'idillio (2003), Costruir su macerie. Il romanzo in Germania negli anni Cinquanta (2009) and Come corda tropo tesa. Stile e ideologia in Stefan George (2011).


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How to Cite
Pirro, M. (2012). <p>Structural levels and reconstruction of the plot in the <i>Blechtrommel</i> by Volker Schlöndorff</p&gt;. Between, 2(4).