Juridical Narrative in Alice’s Worlds: the Dimension of the Possible

  • Francesca Scamardella
Keywords: Law, Literature, Dream, Rationality


Aim of this essay is to focus on possible links between Law and Literature, using two novels by Lewis Carroll: Alice in the Wonderland e Through the Looking-Glass and what Alice Found there. Analyzing the legal experiences made by Alice in the two novels I will assume that Law and Literature can be compared as worlds of the possible. In fact both Literature and Law represent a dimension of the possibility. In Through the Looking-Glass and what Alice Found there Alice wants to become Queen and her desire is possible through the law that she experiences as a social practice. On the contrary in Alice in the Wonderland the irrational law that comes from the Hearths Queen is refused by Alice: through this kind of law, prescriptive and sanctioning, it is not possible to realize her wishes. To say that law is possible means to assume that law is a social practice that Literature can narrate, exploring this dimension of possibility. As characters of novel, men can experience a kind of law whose contents are determined not only by rules and sanctions, in a law-positive way, but also by social and cultural representations, instances, opinions, ideas and, actions.


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Author Biography

Francesca Scamardella

Ricercatrice a tempo determinato in Filosofia del Diritto presso il Dipartimento di Diritto Romano, Storia e Teoria del Diritto, "F. De Martino" dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli, "Federico II", facoltà di Giurisprudenza.


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How to Cite
Scamardella, F. (2012). Juridical Narrative in Alice’s Worlds: the Dimension of the Possible. Between, 2(3). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/425
Legislation regarding Literature and the Arts