The Pretext of the Law in a Literature Written in a Different Language: Laws and Writings of the Italian Emigration in Germany

  • Federica Marzi University of Trieste Italy / Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany
Keywords: Literature of the Italian emigration in Germany, Law of migration, Franco Biondi, Gino Chiellino, Representation of the Other


The proposal of this article is to compare and analyze by means of a genealogical approach a series of laws, common representations and literary writings of the Italian migration in Germany (1955-2012) showing their particular way of strengthening or contradicting each other. Franco Biondi and Gino Chiellino, two Italian authors who chose to write in German, refer to the text of the law as a term to compare or confront with by constructing a literature written in a “different language”. They reflect particularly upon the polarization of the migration space and the ideological construction of the Other as a result of a complex relationship between law and collective imaginary. This case study exemplifies how literature can sometimes confute the law by displaying a critique towards some power constellations but also how it can conceive itself as a field where it is possible to introduce a discourse on the rights. In doing so it makes emerge cultural border spaces as well as broader and more inclusive communities or cross-cultural identities. 


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Author Biography

Federica Marzi, University of Trieste Italy / Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany

Federica Marzi, University of Trieste Italy / Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany, Phd,, she received her PhD in the Humanities from the Italo-German joint program of the University of Trieste and the University of Düsseldorf; her dissertation focused on Literature of the Italian emigration in Germany. Her research interests include contemporary Austrian Literature, Literature of Migration, Literature from Trieste, Intercultural relations, Feminist Theory, Cultural Studies. She published articles in academic journals and chapters in books in Italy and Germany (a choice): Maschile e femminile nella lirica di Ingeborg Bachmann (2002), Topographien der Fremde in einer littérature mineure zwischen Italien und Deutschland  (2011), Biopolitiken der Migration: Anmerkungen zu einer deutsch-italienischen Geschichte (forthcoming). She translated from German the monograph Renate Lunzer, Irredenti redenti. Intellettuali giuliani del '900 (2009).


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How to Cite
Marzi, F. (2012). The Pretext of the Law in a Literature Written in a Different Language: Laws and Writings of the Italian Emigration in Germany. Between, 2(3).
Literature and Human Rights