The Fictional Value of Memory

  • Laura Neri Università degli studi di Milano
Keywords: Memory, Possible Worlds, Truth and Falsehood, Experience and Narrative


Memory is commonly viewed as the psychic function of recreating in our mind past experiences, as a simple static recollection. On the contrary, it involves a much broader semantics, a prismatic area of meaning, a dynamic and complex process. Therefore, in the spatiality and temporality of fictional worlds, memory is hybrid, depository of falsehood and, nevertheless, vehicle of an experience-shaping truth. If the boundaries between memory’s falsities and imagination is unstable, the distance separating the mind recollection from a supposed objective reality constitutes, precisely, the cognitive process of fictional worlds. Analysing Borges’s Funes (in Ficciones), Italo Calvino’s Le città invisibili, Alice Munro’s Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage and Les Années by Annie Ernaux, this paper focuses on the connection between memory and identity, showing the profound link with forgery, revision and falsehood of speech acts, whilst remaining in the domain of verisimilitude. In this sense, the narration of memory is both subjective and objective: because the narrative is conveyed by memories and memory is thematized by the act of narrating itself. The image, true or false, true and false, reflect the ambivalent quality that memory project on objects. From this perspective, memory interact in a very peculiar way with the narrative, working continuously on the true/false dichotomy.


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Author Biography

Laura Neri, Università degli studi di Milano
Laura Neri is professor of Literay criticism and theory and Textual Stylistics at the University of Milan. She has published the books: Vittorio Sereni, Andrea Zanzotto, Giovanni Giudici: un’indagine retorica, Bergamo 2000; La responsabilità della prosa. Retorica e argomentazione nelle «Operette morali» di Leopardi, Milano 2008; I campi della retorica. Letteratura, argomentazione, discorso, Roma 2011; Identità e finzione. Per una teoria del personaggio, Milano 2012; I silenziosi circuiti del ricordo. Etica, estetica e ideologia nell’opera poetica di Giovanni Giudici, Roma 2018. She has also written several papers on literary theory, on the relationship between literature and rhetorics. Her latest work is on Tzvetan Todorov.


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How to Cite
Neri, L. (2019). The Fictional Value of Memory. Between, 9(18).