Employment Contracts and Marriage Settlements in Thomas Mann's The Tales of Jacob

  • Elisabetta Abignente University Sapienza of Rome
Keywords: Thomas Mann, Die Geschichten Jaakobs, Contract, Pact, Biblical Rewriting, Law and Narrative



Together with the representation of the justice court, the pact scene is one of the narrative elements that are more interesting for ‘Law in Literature’ studies. The pact, in his double meaning of ‘horizontal’ agreement between two people and ‘vertical’ alliance between a man and a supreme divine or diabolical being, is particularly present in the narrative work of Thomas Mann. The tale of the seven years biblical waiting of Jacob and Rachel that is told in the first volume of Joseph tetralogy, Die Geschichten Jaakobs, gives one of the most significant examples in this sense. This is the series of three contracts signed by Jacob and Laban, Rachel’s father, which are anomalous because they are employment contracts and marriage settlements at the same time. By a careful rereading of this scene, the paper aims to investigate which is the main narrative function of the scene of the pact in the fictional context. Totally absent from the biblical source, the scene of the contract becomes the instrument, inside the novel, of that process of ‘dilatation’ and ‘humanization’ of the myth on which Mann’s monumental rewriting is found.


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Author Biography

Elisabetta Abignente, University Sapienza of Rome

PhD in European Literature and Culture at the Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane - Università Sapienza di Roma, Italy, and in Comparative Literature at the Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, France. Her PhD thesis is devoted to Love waiting in XX century novel, particularly in the work of Marcel Proust, Thomas Mann and Gabriel García Márquez. Her research interests are the XX century novel, the representation of time and space in the narrative context, biblical rewritings, the relations between literature and music, contemporary French novel. Her published papers deal with Mann and Wagner, Milton and Haydn, Makine, and the theme of love waiting.



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How to Cite
Abignente, E. (2012). Employment Contracts and Marriage Settlements in Thomas Mann’s The Tales of Jacob. Between, 2(3). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/365
Literature and Human Rights