Spaces of all kinds Seriality of spatial universes in the genre comic books (science fiction, fantasy, western)

  • Matthieu Letourneux Université Paris Nanterre
Keywords: seriality, genres, comic books, western, science fiction, fantasy


We would like to study in this article the ways in which generic universes are spacialized in comic books (science fiction, fantasy, western). Our hypothesis is that it is at the level of the spatial setting (both diegenetically and graphically) that the modalities of the serial reading pact are largely determined, involving the way of evaluating the work and deciphering it, the questions of plausibility, the judgments on the validity and the interest of the text, as well as a repertoire of stereotypes and intertextual scenarios. It is because serial fiction universes mark their autonomy from realistic referents that they are immediately interpreted as conventional systems.  Falling into a referential logic dominated by intertextual and architectural principles, the image is saturated with signs that refer either to works or to sets of works with which it maintains serial links. These signs produce the world effect, and impose the coherence of each work and the specificity of its relationship to the genre.


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How to Cite
Letourneux, M. (2018). Spaces of all kinds Seriality of spatial universes in the genre comic books (science fiction, fantasy, western). Between, 8(15).