The Sleep of the Sultan. Rewriting of the Mille et une nuits in eighteenth-century contes exotiques

  • Bianca Gai University of Turin


This paper analyses the influence of Galland's Les Mille et une nuits on two Eighteenth Century French tales: Crébillon's Le Sopha and Diderot's L'Oiseau blanc, conte bleu. The focus is the use of Galland's narrative structure by French conte philosophique. Particularly, Crébillon's and Diderot's tales inherit from Galland's work the topic of the "asleep sultan". If in Les Mille et une nuits the narrative voice has the function to keep the listener awake, Crébillon and Diderot overturn the link between speaker and listener, as their narrative voices induce on the contrary sleep on the listener. This overturning is considered here as a consequence of these writers' theory of literature and philosophy.


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Author Biography

Bianca Gai, University of Turin

Bianca Gai hold a doctoral degree in Comparative Literature and a degree in Italian Literature at the University of Turin. She has mainly worked on Eighteenth century drama and Nineteenth Century novel. Her focus was on the links between drame bourgeois  and Manzoni's and Balzac's narrative works. Her areas of interest include: Eighteenth century French and Italian fiction, French and Italian Avant-garde, the crime and detective fiction and theory of the novel. Among others, she has published articles on Diderot, Manzoni, "Scapigliatura" writing, Futurism (Luciano Folgore). She taught some courses of French, Comparative and Italian Literature at the University of Turin. Now she is working as a digital librarian at the Library System of the University of Turin.



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How to Cite
Gai, B. (2011). The Sleep of the Sultan. Rewriting of the <i>Mille et une nuits</i> in eighteenth-century <i>contes exotiques</i&gt;. Between, 1(2).