Camões and Tasso: The East in the Heroic Poem

  • Anna Cerbo University of Napoli 'L'Orientale'
Keywords: West, East, Heroic poem, Camões, Tasso, Orient, Occident


This essay aims to explore the presence of the East in the European heroic (epic) poem of the sixteenth century. The structure and the articulation of the argument are based on a comparison of two works: L de Camões’ I Lusiadi and T Tasso’s Gerusalemme liberata. Through a textual analysis approach and a comparative literature methodology, I have attempted to provide both a reading of the two poems – which takes into account different bodies of knowledge, historical-ideological, literary-cultural, and semantic-linguistic – and a comparison between them. From such a comparison, there emerge similarities and differences as regards the two poets’ representations of “the Other”, in which a Western and an Eastern point of view meet and intersect. One of the results of this research has been the identification of a common rhetoric of Otherness in Renaissance European literature, which transcends the works of Camões and Tasso.


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Author Biography

Anna Cerbo, University of Napoli 'L'Orientale'

Anna Cerbo, who is a scholar of the Latin author, Boccaccio, has also studied Dante and Petrarch. She is interested in Italian literature of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, in particular the philosophical poetry of Tommaso Campanella and Giordano Bruno, and early nineteenth-century literary culture (with reference to Leopardi). She has edited the critical edition of GB della Porta’s Furiosa and an aesthetic tract by Iacopo of Gaeta. She is currently working on the critical edition of Paolo Regio’s Sirenide. Her most recent interests include a study of myth in Italian literature, with particular reference to the auctores of myth, which have been studied in depth for a long time.



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How to Cite
Cerbo, A. (2011). Camões and Tasso: The East in the Heroic Poem. Between, 1(2).