The Body as a Frontier: Paolo Volponi and Tiziano Scarpa

  • Francesca Negro Faculdade de Letras Universidade de Lisboa
Keywords: Volponi, Scarpa, body, alienation, fragment


This paper proposes an analysis of some texts by Paolo Volponi and Tiziano Scarpa in which the body reveals the alienation of the protagonist. By the analysis of the texts we reflect on the concept of the Persona as the complex concept of human being in which the physical body, the juridical essence and the sensible entity are unified. The body is a porous barrier, a threshold that the authors use to discover the points of contact and separation with the external world, it’s man’s first space and his first language.

In the age of the Body fabrication” some concepts as “the senses feast” by Kristeva, and as the one of Somatisation derive from a recent analysis of the human body and of its relations with the representation of human sensibility. These works describe cases of alienation by mean of a sort of body language, activated by the illness or other specific circumstances, the paper then tries to reconstruct the last changes related to the body concept and to analyse the literary examples in relation to recent theories on fragmentation and dissociative disorders (corps sans organes- Deleuze Guattari)

The description of this fragmented condition reveals the necessity to rebuild a human integrity, to construct a new concept of human physiology based on an organic vision of the human being. The current dilatation and deflagration of the intimacy then seems to be a strategy to overpass the limits of conscious communication, to impose a new holistic concept of human sensibility.


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How to Cite
Negro, F. (2011). The Body as a Frontier: Paolo Volponi and Tiziano Scarpa. Between, 1(1).
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