Is György Lukács Obsolete? A Political Theory of the Novel

  • Emanuele Zinato University of Padue
Keywords: Gyorgy Lukács, Theory of the Novel, Literary Theory, Neo marxist theory, Sociology of Literature.


This essay intends to reflect on Lukács’s ideas about the novel, within a complex reflection starting from the tragic condition of man in contemporary society. Lukács ’s theory of the novel is developed in two very different phases of the 20th Century: at the beginning of the Century, with his work “Theory of the Novel”, and later, in the ‘30s and ‘40s, with his essays about Realism. However, the “two Lukács ” admirably find a meeting point on a page of the essay “Contemporary Meaning of Critical Realism”. Mistakenly regarded as obsolete, the whole of Lukács’s aesthetic thought leads us to reconsider the problem, broadly speaking political, of the relationship of texts with the world, here and  now.


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Author Biography

Emanuele Zinato, University of Padue
Emanuele Zinato is Associate Professor of Contemporary Italian Literature at the University of Padua. He graduated in 1989 and obtained a PhD in Italian Studies at the Universities of Ca' Foscari Venice and Padua in 2000. He is on the editorial board of the journal Allegoria and his work has appeared in Studi novecenteschi, Nuova corrente, Il verri, Filologia e critica, Moderna, L'Immaginazione, Chroniques Italiennes and Europe. His main research interests are: 1) the relationship between literature and modernisation in the work of Italian authors writing in the second half of the twentieth century (Franco Fortini, Primo Levi, Italo Calvino, Leonardo Sciascia); 2) the rhetorics of seventeenth-century scientific texts; 3) the styles, ideas and discursive strategies characterising Italian theory and literary criticism in the last three decades of the twentieth century. He studied the genesis of Paolo Volponi's oeuvre and edited Volponi's complete works (Romanzi e prose, Einaudi 2003-4, with critical and philological notes). His publications include Il vero in maschera. Idee e forme nelle prose scientifiche del Seicento (Liguori, 2003), Le idee e le forme. La critica letteraria italiana dal'900 a oggi (Carocci, 2010), Automobili di carta. Spazi e oggetti automobilistici nelle
rappresentazioni letterarie (Padova Univ. Press, 2012) and Letteratura come storiografia? Mappe e figure della mutazione italiana (Quodlibet, 2015).


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Godard, Henri, Le roman modes d’emplois, Paris, Gallimard, 2006.

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Mazzoni, Guido, Teoria del romanzo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011.

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How to Cite
Zinato, E. (2015). Is György Lukács Obsolete? A Political Theory of the Novel. Between, 5(10).