Apocalypse Then: (Other) Fragments of Postmodern Impegno Between Science Fiction, Humor and Environmentalism

  • Giorgio Busi Rizzi Università di Bologna, KU Leuven
Keywords: Postmodernism, Science fiction, Humour, Environmentalism, Post-apocalyptic


This paper takes into account Kurt Vonnegut’s Galápagos (1985), Stefano Benni’s Terra! (1983), and the first volume (1979) of  Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy as the expression of several social stances: distrust in the technological progress, antimilitarism, ecologism, critique of anthropocentrism. It tries to contextualize those themes in the light of their historical background; it shows, eventually, how those works’ projects rely on the peculiar devices of humour and postmodernist techniques. 


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Author Biography

Giorgio Busi Rizzi, Università di Bologna, KU Leuven

PhD student in Literary and Cultural Studies, working on a research project about nostalgia in contemporary graphic novel, with a joint supervision by the Universities of Bologna and Leuven. He is interested in graphic novels, magical realism, the translation of humour, and TV series.


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How to Cite
Busi Rizzi, G. (2016). Apocalypse Then: (Other) Fragments of Postmodern Impegno Between Science Fiction, Humor and Environmentalism. Between, 5(10). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/1701
Narratives and Imaginaries in Politics and History