Double Dream. Audiovisual Pornography Exploit through the Fantasy

  • Enrico Biasin University of Udine
Keywords: Fantasy, Film history, Neo-Victorian Studies, Pornography, Psychoanalysis


This paper aims at investigating the rhetorical strategies used by some contemporary audiovisual products in order to describe the birth of the pornographic film industry. In particular, through the analysis of three neo-Victorian key texts – Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Ripper Street (episode I Need Light) and Penny Dreadfull (episode Séance) –, the goal is to detect the “conditions of possibility” of pornography, considered as a cultural form, in the context of mass entertaiment related to mainstrem cinema and Anglo-American television series. The notion of fantasy, mainly studied in the field of psychoanalysis, is taken as a theoretical reference point in order to frame audiovisual pornography in terms of ideology (the codification of a cultural phenomenon), dispositif (its perceptual structuring) and narration (the grammar underlying it). The texts analyzed operate according to some historiographical “conceptualizations” extremely significant in terms of both historical and cultural understanding of the phenomenon investigated.


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Author Biography

Enrico Biasin, University of Udine

Enrico Biasin, Ph.D in Film and Audiovisual Studies, teachs Research on Film Archives at University of Udine, where he organises, with Giovanna Maina and Federico Zecca, the Porn Studies Section of the Udine International Film Studies Conference and the MAGIS — International Film Studies Spring School. He is also editorial board member of Porn Studies (Routledge) and author of Oscenità di brand. L’industria culturale della pornografia audiovisiva contemporanea (Mimesis, 2013). His forthcoming book is entitled L’uomo, lo schermo e la nazione. Sguardi sulla mascolinità nel cinema italiano degli anni Venti e Trenta (Mimesis). He is currently working on the images of young people in the context of the 1940s-1960s Italian cinema.


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How to Cite
Biasin, E. (2015). Double Dream. Audiovisual Pornography Exploit through the Fantasy. Between, 5(9).
Walls, Screens, Photographs - Planes of Censorship