Digital Effects in the Novel. Preliminary Notes on Camera Eye Fiction

  • Paolo Giovannetti
Keywords: camera eye, narratology, focalization, impersonality


The essay deals with the historical and theoretical issue of the (so-called) camera eye technique, which has been spreading since about 1950. It is a kind of narrative (something like a codified situation) which merges subjectivity with objectivity, involvement of the narrator with impersonality,  and often cancels the opposite characteristics of the two poles. However, the realm in which this way of forming the storyworld is located is probably in relation to first-person texts, to a very atypical form of homodiegesis.


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Author Biography

Paolo Giovannetti

Paolo Giovannetti (Milan 1958) is  an associate professor of Italian Literature at Iulm University of Milan. The major fields of his research activity are: poetry and metrics of Italian romanticism, modernism and postmodernism; narratology (with a particular attention to intermediality), mass literature, didactics of literature. He has been a contributor of the yearly publication "Tirature" since its beginning. His most important books are: Metrica del verso libero italiano (Marcos y Marcos 1994), Nordiche superstizioni (Marsilio 1999), Retorica dei media (Unicopli 2004), Dalla poesia in prosa al rap (Interlinea 2008), La metrica italiana contemporanea (with  Gianfranca Lavezzi, Carocci 2010), Romanticismo senza Risorgimento (Giulio Perrone 2011), Il racconto (Carocci 2012).


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How to Cite
Giovannetti, P. (2014). Digital Effects in the Novel. Preliminary Notes on <i>Camera Eye</i&gt; Fiction. Between, 4(8).
Between Literature and Digital Culture: Intersections and Contaminations