The Woman is not present. Who is missing the "Posto occupato" call and other rethorical questions

  • Dario Tomasello Università degli Studi di Messina
Keywords: Social drama, Presence/absence, Performance, Feminicide, "Posto occupato"


The social drama that the performance of "Posto occupato" represents is inscribed within the path that, in recent years and not only in Italy, sheds light on criminal harassment suffered by women, 

The antagonism of such conflict is confined to the absence of that eloquent "Posto occupato", which summons the oppressor and the victim within the circumscribed and "limbal" space of the murder, and evokes the sacred milieu of the crime - its profaning scandal. 


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Author Biography

Dario Tomasello, Università degli Studi di Messina
Dario Tomasello teaches Contemporary Italian Literature at Università degli Studi di Messina.


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How to Cite
Tomasello, D. (1). The Woman is not present. Who is missing the "Posto occupato" call and other rethorical questions. Between, 4(7).
Ore Rotundo. Ethics of Public Intervention