The rhetoric of media and literary forms: Antonio Delfini

  • Paolo Gervasi CTL Lab (Center for the Data Processing of Texts and Images in Literary Tradition - Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
Keywords: mediology, cognitive poetics, journalism, Antonio Delfini


The present paper aimed at showing the cognitive impact of the conceptual and perceptual organization of media on literary forms.
On the one hand, McLuhan stated that the medium is a metaphor, as long as it shifts information across different conceptual domains. On the other hand, cognitive theories argued that the metaphor is a strategy of conceptualization of the experience. Mediology, cognitive poetics and literary criticism can cooperate in order to describe the conceptual metaphors conveyed by the media, and the way they interact with the literature in the deeply interconnected semiotic context of the XXth Century.
Antonio Delfini’s writings and composition strategies reveal the hybridization produced by the contact between the rhetoric and the conceptual organization of literary texts, and the formal organization of the media. In Delfini’s work, the process of hybridization is realized by reusing textual fragments produced by media. Such an hybridization also consists in a wider phenomenon of exchange between the cognitive schemas produced by media, and the very idea of literature practiced by the author. Delfini, indeed, conceives the structures of newspapers and journals as a conceptual model for making sense of reality. 


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Author Biography

Paolo Gervasi, CTL Lab (Center for the Data Processing of Texts and Images in Literary Tradition - Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
Research Fellow at CTL Lab (Center for the Data Processing of Texts and Images in Literary Tradition - Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa). Master’s Degree at Università di Pisa, with a dissertation on Giacomo Debenedetti’s literary criticism. PhD at the Scuola Normale Superiore, with a dissertation on the essay as an hybrid medium. Main research interests: literary criticism, history of the book and history of publising, relationships between media and literature, cognitive poetics and connections between cognitive theories and literature. Latest publications: Ricerca della creazione. La critica italiana e la funzione Proust, in “Italianistica”, 40, 3 (2011); La parola dislocata. Profezia come presenza del futuro, in Futuro italiano. Scritture del tempo a venire (2012), e la monografia La forma dell’eresia. Giacomo Debenedetti 1922-1934: storia di un inizio (2012).


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How to Cite
Gervasi, P. (2014). The rhetoric of media and literary forms: Antonio Delfini. Between, 4(7).
From the Fields of Theory. Rethinking the Functions of Rhetoric