Su due recitazioni tritonali dello śloka sanscrito

  • Paolo Milizia
Keywords: Sanskrit, Chanting, Metre, Music, śloka, Contemporary Indian culture


In contemporary India many recitation practices of Classical Sanskrit metrical texts are observed. The present paper will focus on two particular chanting styles applied to the Classical Sanskrit śloka and based on tritonal scales and will try to show that the relationship existing between these two styles can be described as a “modal transposition” and is parallel to that existing between the Tamil and the Nambudiri styles of Veda recitation. These observations allow us to highlight that, in order to analyse the chanting practices belonging to Old Indo-Aryan texts, one has to distinguish at least three different levels: the scale (that is the inventory of tones), the melodic profile described prescinding without considering the scale (or, more precisely, without considering the intervals between the grades of the scale), the rhythmic profile.


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How to Cite
Milizia, P. (2022). Su due recitazioni tritonali dello śloka sanscrito. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 13(2), 13-26.