Qurratulain Hyder tra auto-traduzione e riscrittura: il caso di Honour
Some scholars, including Grutman (20092) and Popovič (1975), believe that self-translation of literary works should be defined essentially as translation, whereas others recognize that works translated by their authors have their own specificities and cannot be described as the mere output of translating. The Indian writer Qurratulain Hyder is among the famous authors who wrote their literary works in two different languages, in this case Urdu and English. The novel Āg kā dariyā, allegedly her masterpiece, written in 1959, was transcreated in English in 1998. A comparison of the two versions shows notable differences and sheds light on the peculiarities of creative writing in English and in Urdu in the Indian Subcontinent. Āg kā dariyā, however, is not the only example of rewriting by Qurratulain Hyder. Among her other works, the short story Ḥasab nasab, rewritten in English as Honour, shows some similarities with Āg kā dariyā. Our conclusion is that self-translation may be considered as a rewriting, and possibly a new original. The article is followed by the translation into Italian of both the Urdu and English versions.
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