Manipolare il passato, prefigurare il futuro: esempi storici, emozioni e deliberazione nell’oratoria attica

  • Giulia Maltagliati
Keywords: Attic oratory, persuasion, historical examples, emotions, decision-making


This article investigates the relationship between paradeigmata, persuasion, and emotions in fourth-century deliberative oratory. It argues that symbouleutic speakers seek to counteract or accentuate their audiences’ fears for the future by strategically manipulating past events. Contemporary research on the operation of historical analogies has argued that the recollection of collective memories helps to imagine future scenarios. In a debate about a potential war or a discussion about the most effective strategies for facing a new enemy, arguments from historical examples can encourage the imagination or anticipation of positive or negative outcomes. By evoking past memories, speakers thus seek to generate fear or hope in their audiences and therefore persuade them to accept specific political proposals.


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How to Cite
Maltagliati, G. (2020). Manipolare il passato, prefigurare il futuro: esempi storici, emozioni e deliberazione nell’oratoria attica. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 11(1), 290-298.