Strategie retoriche di persuasione e manipolazione dei giudici: il ragionamento per eikos nelle orazioni XII e XVI del corpus Lysiacum

  • Barbara Ester Vacca
Keywords: Lysias, eikos, judicial rhetoric, persuasion, manipulation


This work focuses on how Lysias exploited the eikos argument in two of his speeches pronounced in trials of a political nature. This rhetorical device can be configured both as a heuristic tool, capable of reconstructing a truth that jurors could not understand, and as an element that appeals to a sphere of values and a model of conduct shared by the members of the same community. In accordance with these premises, I will first analyse how Lysias, in speech XII, made his accusation against Eratosthenes particularly convincing and moving by appealing to the eikos in order to showcase a model of conduct to the judges, to be followed by those who wanted to appear good citizens and defenders of democratic values. Secondly, I will examine how Lysias built a masterful defence of Manthiteus in the XVI speech, putting the focus mostly on the demonstration of the improbability of the accusations rather than on their refutation.


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How to Cite
Vacca, B. (2020). Strategie retoriche di persuasione e manipolazione dei giudici: il ragionamento per eikos nelle orazioni XII e XVI del corpus Lysiacum. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 11(1), 270-280.