Καθαρὸς κατὰ τὸν νόµον. Il µίασµα nelle leggi draconiane sull’omicidio tra V e IV secolo a.C.

  • Maria Antonietta Dettori
Keywords: µίασµα, homicide, law, rhetoric, καθαρός


It should not be surprising to see the relationship between the irrational idea of µίασµα and the law of homicide: Attic law was the product of the synergy between law and the sacred. For this reason, at least until the beginning of the classical age, one cannot speak of the manipulation of a belief but, at most, of its use in relation to a specific perception of the crime. The aim of this contribution is to show that in the fourth century, a total overlap was reached between the principle of µίασµα and the system of guilt and punishment: the ‘impure’ µιαρός is only the murderer who committed the crime in circumstances not covered by the law; in all other cases, the misdoer retains the condition of purity (καθαρός). Considering that cases of ‘justified homicide’ φόνος δίκαιος are often closely linked to the urgency of saving the city, preserving it from all those situations that could undermine its balance, in this perspective the µίασµα could be understood as a functional element for this purpose, a manipulated concept for coercive and social purposes.


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How to Cite
Dettori, M. (2020). Καθαρὸς κατὰ τὸν νόµον. Il µίασµα nelle leggi draconiane sull’omicidio tra V e IV secolo a.C. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 11(1), 251-259. https://doi.org/10.13125/rhesis/5643