Cleone πιθανώτατος: una nota a Thuc. III 37-40

  • Maria Lavinia Porceddu
Keywords: Kleon, demagogy, political rhetoric, Pericles, democratic propaganda


Before reporting the famous debate regarding the punishment to be inflicted on the mutinous population of Mytilene, Thucydides describes the demagogue Cleon as being the most successful politician of his age in persuading the demos. The opening section of Cleon’s speech is a particularly significant example of devices and stratagems used to direct the decisional process of the assembly. Through an elaborate linguistic architecture, the demagogue deliberately manipulates the lexicon of the political rhetoric. Operating what at first sight seems to be a paradoxical synthesis of opposite semantics, Cleon reverses ancient topoi and traditional connotations, assigning values, skills and qualities to the demosthat are normally only attributed to the élite. By analysing the terminology he uses, the goal of this work is to demonstrate how the previous rhetorical and ideological uses of this expressive form can be traced back to the democratic propaganda of the age of Pericles.


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How to Cite
Porceddu, M. (2020). Cleone πιθανώτατος: una nota a Thuc. III 37-40. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 11(1), 212-221.