Platone e gli indovini selvaggi: ragioni e termini di una polemica

  • Francesco Bertani
Keywords: Plato, divination, Sophistry, demagogy, democracy


Plato’s dialogues occasionally testify to the existence of a bunch of mantic wanderers whom the philosopher accuses of savagery. This paper aims to investigate – on the basis of textual clues – the presence of this curious divinatory group throughout the platonic corpus, to examine the rhetorical tools the philosopher employs to describe it and to understand the reasons behind the attitude he adopts towards it.


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How to Cite
Bertani, F. (2020). Platone e gli indovini selvaggi: ragioni e termini di una polemica. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 11(1), 105-114.