La riorganizzazione del sistema verbale nello Slavo del Molise. Su alcune forme di futuro

  • Antonietta Marra
Keywords: future tense, Slavic of Molise, language contact, language change, minority language


It is well known that the various forms of future tense tend to be very unstable in many languages of the world. In Indo-European languages it is assumed that this is due to the absence of an original form subsequently filled by different structures aimed at expressing this temporal deixis. These structures often added modal values – originally conveyed by the auxiliary forms used for the construction of periphrasis – to the temporal reference. The modal origin of these new temporal forms may also have determined their instability and continuous change. The present paper describes some forms of future tense in the Slavic of Molise (SLM), a Croatian minority language in contact with Romance varieties of Southern Italy. On the basis of the data collected in two SLM communities, the role of the Romance contact languages in the evolution of the different forms of future tense is highlighted. Three forms of future tense that have a model in Italian and in the dialect variety of the region have been added to the periphrasis with the auxiliary ‘want’ brought from the Balkan area of origin: a periphrastic form with the auxiliary ‘have’ / ‘have to’, the form of the present indicative, and an imminential periphrasis with the verb ‘stand’. However, this system is not stable: the change in the use of the varieties of the linguistic repertoire (both by communities and by single speakers) modified the functional distribution of the forms of future tense. The aim of the present work is to describe the current conditions of use of the different forms of future tense and to provide an explanation to the ongoing process of change.


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How to Cite
Marra, A. (2019). La riorganizzazione del sistema verbale nello Slavo del Molise. Su alcune forme di futuro. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 10(1), 56-74.