Il Sardo a Orgosolo: variazioni d’uso e competenze

  • Giovanna Corraine
Keywords: Sardinian language, Sardinian lexicon, language variants, language competences, language contacts


Orgosolo is a village located in the central Sardinia where the Sardinian language is still handed down from a generation to another and widely employed both in informal and formal conversations. Nevertheless, the linguistic contacts with other local varieties and, above all, with Italian determine frequent variations at phonetic, morphologic, morphosyntactic and lexical level, impacting on each speaker competences. In this study, following a description of the contexts in which Sardinian and Italian are used, the most frequent phonetic, morphologic and lexical variations – pertaining both standard and less traditional vocabulary – will be analysed together with the impact of Italian language on speaker knowledges and competences, taking into consideration the most important sociolinguistic variables, in particular age, gender, education and profession.


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How to Cite
Corraine, G. (2018). Il Sardo a Orgosolo: variazioni d’uso e competenze. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 9(1), 94-122.