Notule sur le pronom de première personne du singulier io chez Dante Alighieri

  • Franck Floricic
Keywords: pronouns, Old Italian, clitic, allomorphy, person


The aim of this paper is to discuss the status of the two pronominal variants i’ and io found in Old Italian and more specifically in the writings of Dante Alighieri. If at first glance these variants seem to be interchangeable, a deeper analysis of their syntactic distribution shows that their functional fields only partially overlap: the apocopated variant i’ can be shown to occur in a subset of the contexts in which the full form io is available. If however the bisyllabic pronom io can be said to be heavier and stronger than the reduced variant, it does not follow that the latter is a clitic: even though i’ is in some sense engaged in the path of cliticization, its syntactic distribution clearly shows that in Old Italian it does not have clitic status.


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How to Cite
Floricic, F. (2014). Notule sur le pronom de première personne du singulier io chez Dante Alighieri. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 5(1), 5-21.