L’Éros substitutif dans La Fille aux yeux d’or de Balzac, ou l’enfer des jouissances médiates
Balzac’s novella, The Girl with the Golden Eyes engages in moral and philosophical reflection on desire in modern Parisian society. Forming a profound link between the novella’s prologue and the narrative of the passion shared by Paquita and Henri de Marsay, Balzac presents substitution as the commanding figure that dominates eros: the object of desire, which remains unattainable, yields to a substitute object; while parallel to this, the partner in the sexual relationship is always doubled by the image of an absent object of fantasy. Substitution also governs family relations: parents are putative fathers or adoptive mothers. These dynamics of substitution are based upon figures of resemblance and duality, of twinning and hybridity, of identity and otherness. This is the perspective from which the sibling relationship and female homosexuality are grasped. Thus, Balzac shows that pleasure in modern Parisian society always goes through mediation, that of a desired other, or through the mediation of gold. Mediated pleasure leads to deleterious or even infernal dynamics marked by an alienation characteristic of Parisian society in its quest for gold and pleasure.
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