Meroveo, Basina e il mito dinastico dei Franchi

  • Carlo Donà
Keywords: Merovingians, origines gentium, legendary history, Fredegar, Franks


Nowadays the passages relating to the origins of the Merovingian dynasty interpolated by Pseudo-Fredegar  into his version of Gregory of Tours’s Historia Francorum are mostly considered worthless fables.  Nevertheless, they are truly interesting, particularly those concerning the legend that links Merovech’s  birth to a mysterious bistea Neptuni quinotauri similis, and the puzzling story of Basina, Childerich’s Thuringian wife. The present essay aims at providing a new interpretation of these passages, appreciating  them at their true value: as fragments of ancient legendary history, a mosaic, as it were, composed by  actual historical records, old myths, and forgotten literature.


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How to Cite
Donà, C. (2014). Meroveo, Basina e il mito dinastico dei Franchi. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 5(2), 42-85.