Alegoría latina y romance. A propósito de la Alexandreis de Gautier de Châtillon y algunos canes

  • Juan Miguel Valero Moreno
Keywords: Alexandreis, Auerbach, Libro de Alexandre, General estoria, Tobias


This articles sets out to demonstrate the persistence of some fundamental motifs in cultural syncretism of the IV-V centuries, i.e. at a crucial moment in the shaping of European culture. In the second half of the 12th century, there is the coexistence and near-overlapping of Latin and Romance texts. Two different and competing textual forms, the Latin one and the Romance one, concur to produce new knowledge in the fields of expression and of poetic and historical intelligence. Paganism and Christianity, the sublime and the humble merge in the schools and in life to explore a world of forms as form to describe the world. In the background of this scenario an old dog roams, the mystery and the key to these worlds.


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How to Cite
Valero Moreno, J. (2013). Alegoría latina y romance. A propósito de la Alexandreis de Gautier de Châtillon y algunos canes. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 4(2), 120-146.