Him wearð … stræt gerymed: strada, cammino e percorsi di salvezza in Andreas

  • Veronka Szőke
Keywords: Old English, Andreas, Tobias, journey, way


The application of the typological exegesis to the interpretation of the Old English Andreas has become a widespread approach, which has proved to be fruitful since it has thrown some light on many aspects previously considered idiosyncratic. However, the awareness of the central role of the patristic tradition in medieval literature should go hand in hand with the reading of the poem as a literary work of art that sprang from a specific tradition and specific conventions. Source-analysis is the methodological premise of this approach since it brings forth those innovations and elements of continuity that characterize the poem. In this essay comparison with the sources will be applied with reference to the journey-motif, whose importance has already been shown. This comparative analysis aims to further strengthen the role of the journey not only in the general narrative and metaphorical structure of the poem, but also in certain choices, such as the introduction of the Old Testament character Tobias, in association with Moses and Joshua.


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Edizioni e traduzioni
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How to Cite
Szőke, V. (2011). Him wearð … stræt gerymed: strada, cammino e percorsi di salvezza in Andreas. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 2(1), 37-68. https://doi.org/10.13125/rhesis/5526