Carl Müller-Braunschweig’s Contributions to the Philosophical Reception of Psychoanalysis in Germany in the 1920s
This article explores Carl Müller-Braunschweig’s contributions to the interface between psychoanalysis and philosophy in 1920s Germany. We focus on one of his works, presented in 1924 at the V International Congress of Philosophy. We aim to introduce the ideas of an author little frequented by the specialized literature, especially his epistemological contributions and his place in the history of the philosophical reception of psychoanalysis, hoping to foster new and more in-depth research on the topic. As a psychoanalyst and neo-Kantian philosopher, Müller-Braunschweig sought to frame psychoanalysis within the rigors of empirical science, proposing a dialogue between psychoanalysis and philosophy along the same lines as that which existed at the time between certain natural sciences, such as physics and chemistry, and philosophy. The article problematizes the reception of his ideas and how he would have influenced subsequent philosophical and psychoanalytic debates, establishing some markers from which psychoanalysis would interact with philosophy subsequently.
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