From Element to Structure

Changes in Jacques Lacan’s Theory of the Signifier Based on the Unary Trait

  • Izabela Loner Santana
  • Daniel Omar Perez Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Keywords: Jacques Lacan, Language, Signifier, Unary Trait


The aim of this article is to discuss the changes in the conception of language in Jacques Lacan’s teaching based on the transformation of its minimum element, the signifier. We will begin by reconstructing the first definition of the signifier that we find in the Seminar of the 1950s with anthropological-linguistic structuralism, approaching its transformation at the beginning of the 1960s with the introduction of the unary trait. In this paper, we will try to extract each comprehension of language that follows or are derived from the different definitions of signifier. Doing so, we will indicate the solidarity between the element and the structure, that is, how the properties of one interfere in the consistency of the other and how, in the change operated by Lacan on the element, a modification is extracted in the structuring of language.


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How to Cite
Santana, I. L., & Perez, D. (2024). From Element to Structure. Critical Hermeneutics, 8(2), 203-222.