Editor's Introduction


Bernhard Waldenfels is certainly one of the leading representatives of the contemporary philosophical tradition with a phenomenological orientation. His scientific education, his intellectual background and his very rich range of publications, many of which have been translated into the major languages, characterise him as a significant heir to the great German philosophical tradition, which he has enlivened in creative contact with contemporary thought, of which he is an acknowledged protagonist...


Author Biography

Gabriella Baptist, University of Cagliari, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy

University of Cagliari - IT

Education: 1985-'89 PhD in History of modern and contemporary Philosophy (Diss.: "The Problem of Wirklichkeit in Hegel's Logics. The crucial role of Actuality"; supervisor: prof. V. Verra, "La Sapienza" Rome). 1992-'94 Post-doctoral fellowship (Research project: "The question of the Absolute in idealistic Thought"; supervisor: prof. N. Merker, "La Sapienza" Rome). 1997-'99 Research fellowship of the A. von Humboldt Foundation (Research project: "The question of Possibility and Impossibility in phenomenological Thought"; supervisor: prof. B. Waldenfels, Ruhr University Bochum). 2001-'02 Research contract by the University Roma Tre (Research project: "Possibility and Value in Husserl's Ethics"; supervisor: prof. F. Bianco).

At the present time: Since 1st March 2002 Assistant Professor, since 31st December 2014 Associate Professor at the University of Cagliari (11/C3: Moral Philosophy), Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities.

Teaching: in undergraduate and graduate courses: Philosophical Anthropology, Social Ethics, Ethics for Education, Applied Ethics and Bioethics. In the teaching staff of the PhD School for "Philosophy, Epistemology, Human Sciences".

Research Subjects: German classical Philosophy; Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Deconstruction, French and German contemporary Philosophy.

Participation to several Research Programs, scientific organization of conferences and seminars. Participation as invited speaker to national and international congresses. Publications in several languages, translations of philosophical texts from German, French, English (for instance: G.W.F. Hegel, J.E. Erdmann, E. Stein, M. Horkheimer, J. Ritter, E. Fink, E. Levinas, J. Patocka, J. Ellul, A. Dragomir, J. Derrida, B. Waldenfels, J.-L. Nancy, A. Meddeb).

How to Cite
Baptist, G. (2024). Editor’s Introduction. Critical Hermeneutics, 8(special), I-IV. https://doi.org/10.13125/CH/6156