Bodies and Natures
For a Cosmological Perspectivism Beyond Ethnocentrism
In the following paper, we will focus in particular on the research and reflections carried out by the French anthropologist Philippe Descola, who offers us a useful perspective to radically rethink the conceptualisation that, through a millenary movement, has led our Western culture, represented by what he calls the Moderns (borrowing an expression from Bruno Latour), to objectify the natural environment and to deploy it as a separate and unmanageable entity to be dominated.
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Nietzsche, F. (1979). Umano, troppo umano. Un libro per spiriti liberi. Vol. I. Milano: Adelphi.
Waldenfels, B. (2006). Fenomenologia dell’estraneo. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore.
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