The Body as Original Medium and Vehicle of Technique

Phenomenology and Phenomeno-technique

  • Bernhard Waldenfels


Living corporeity is the intermediate element between nature and culture, which must be thought of as a reciprocal interconnection, since as corporeal beings we always move on a threshold. In the reflection of the bodily self, a doubling between the living body as a functioning subject and as a material object is revealed; after all, even one's own body sometimes takes on the features of a foreign body, as is the case in the experience of illness. In the technical instrument, the body is prolonged and this highlights the connection between the technique of the thing and the technique of the self; however, despite the gradual autonomisation of the technical element from the living corporeity, there remains what escapes calculation and looms large in the subtraction of the alien.


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How to Cite
Waldenfels, B. (2024). The Body as Original Medium and Vehicle of Technique. Critical Hermeneutics, 8(special), 211-226.