Florensky’s Epistemological and Ethical Position

Love and Hesychasm

  • Gilberto Safra


In this paper, I propose a hermeneutic reading of the beginning of the first letter entitled Los dos mundos in the book La Columna y el Fundamento de la Verdad. I consider this text important,as it offers us the epistemological principles that will guide Florensky's investigation. I understand that Florensky proposes a phenomenology, in which the phenomenological reduction is the Cross of Christ. A perspective that brings it closer to the hesychast tradition, which considers the purification of the heart through the Cross, the path to the visit of the Uncreated Light, as a path towards theosis. In the case of Florensky, we have a similar path to achieving a mystical modality of knowledge, in which the intuitive and discursive register are combined in a fertile and rigorous way.


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Safra, G. (2006). Hermenêutica na situação clínica. O desvelar da singularidade do idioma pessoal. São Paulo: Ed. Sobornost.
How to Cite
Safra, G. (2024). Florensky’s Epistemological and Ethical Position. Critical Hermeneutics, 7(2), 213-225. https://doi.org/10.13125/CH/6100