Among Books and in the Library

In Tehran as in Madia

  • Giusi Furnari Luvarà


The work is interwoven around the opportunity of empowerment that the return of a library offers to prisoners of the V. Madia prison in Barcelona Pozzo di Gotto. A library is an ideal and concrete space where one can discover themself and others. It is a place where you can practice freedom and work for it. It is an opportunity to give content to the “empty time” in which one is forced, when an impediment hinders the free enjoyment of oneself. To articulate this idea the condition of loss of freedom, stress and fragility, in which the inmates, placed in correspondence with the situation of segregation, illiteracy, violence and loss of human rights that afflicts Iranian women are considered. In the Nafisi Room, as we read in the book Reading Lolita in Tehran, confronting readings of literary works censored by the regime, young women of Tehran start a process of resilience and reaffirmation of themselves through a practice of reading, that similarly and for the same purposes will be able to make women and men detained, go to the library now functioning in Madia prison.


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How to Cite
Furnari Luvarà, G. (2024). Among Books and in the Library. Critical Hermeneutics, 7(2, special), 197-226.