Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theme of Attention

Phenomenology, Psychology, and Psychopathology

  • Angela Ales Bello Pontifical Lateran University


In my essay I examine the role played by attention in the process of human knowledge, as it is proposed by Edmund Husserl in his writings published in Perception and Attention, vol. 38 Husserliana. In them we find very subtle analyses that we have to follow in order to understand the sense of attention. Strating from these I go towards the psychological approach to attention as performed both by psychophysics and phenomenological psychology, in particular dealing with Bruno Callieri’s psychopathological description of attention. 


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How to Cite
Ales Bello, A. (2023). Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theme of Attention. Critical Hermeneutics, 7(1), 59-74.