Doing Truth

Intentional-Performative Realism in the Religious Language

  • Patrizia Manganaro


Beyond the distinction between speech acts and acts of conscience (intentionale Erlebnisse) – certainly correct, but proposed with some oversimplification by certain handbooks –, the paper reflects on the logic of testimony and presence in the religious language. The point of convergence between analytical (in its pragmatic point of view) and continental philosophy (especially in the phenomenological-hermeneutic approach) is the first-person experience of reality: a peculiar bond of realism, consciousness and language, which I propose to call the intentional-performative. Through the intersection of hermeneutics, phenomenology and philosophy of language, the link between logos and action is understood as personalistic one, together with the experience of truth in the word.


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How to Cite
Manganaro, P. (2023). Doing Truth. Critical Hermeneutics, 6(2), 107-129.