Autobiographies in Confinement

Renarrating the Self

  • Stefania Achella Department of Ancient and Modern Civilizations- University of Messina
  • Amelia Cozzolino


If self-structure is intrinsically narrative, the possibility of retelling one's own story not only contributes to confirming one's identity but also to repositioning the individual in rational deliberations and in the relationship with the self, with the environment, with social norms ( 1). Beginning from the reflections of the neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, and through the use of some recent phenomenological analyses which highlight the embodied dimension of the mind, this essay intends to show how the dimensions of history and the body interact in the narrative process of the self (2); such analysis is therefore exemplified in reference to the function of time (3) in order to point out certain limits of the possibility of a retelling of one’s self in a condition of confinement (4).

Keywords: storytelling, self-orientation, body, time, prison.


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How to Cite
Achella, S., & Cozzolino, A. (2022). Autobiographies in Confinement. Critical Hermeneutics, 6(1), 1-22.