Turning, Grafting and Repetition
The Contention of Metaphors
There is a fragment of Archilocus that Jean Greisch uses to describe his philosophical attitude and his work. The fragment says: « The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one great thing». Interpreting this fragment, Greisch writes in Le Buisson ardent et les lumières de la raison: «For better or worse, I belong more to the race of foxes than to that of hedgehogs!». If the metaphor belongs to the things Greisch knew, perhaps the dispute of metaphors does not describe his work, nor does it belong to it. Nonetheless, Greisch taught it to us with the tours and détours of his work, accustoming us to a hermeneutics that, in order to exercise itself, must not ignore other paths of philosophy and that engages in an incessant dispute with them. A dispute incessant, as is the motility of metaphor.
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