The Objectivity of Values: Contributions of Gadamer-Betti Debate

contributos do debate Gadamer X Betti

  • Ricardo Maurício Freire Soares
  • Stéphanie Riccio Simões


This study aims to analyze objectivity as a basic instrument of legal hermeneutics, based on the reading of authors Emilio Betti and Hans-George Gadamer. The study makes an open analysis of the opposition of thought between the two authors and the importance of the debate between their opposing hermeneutics as essential contributions to legal hermeneutics and its objective interpretation. Therefore, the research will make use of a bibliographical analysis, with a critical-reflective approach based on the works of hermeneutics and the theory of the norm that reflected on the contributions of Emilio Betti and Gadamer for the legal interpretation.


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How to Cite
Freire Soares, R., & Riccio Simões, S. (2021). The Objectivity of Values: Contributions of Gadamer-Betti Debate. Critical Hermeneutics, 5(1), 119-134.