Philosophy and Teaching

Reflections and Proposals

  • Luís García Soto


This text deals with the teaching of philosophy, trying to highlight its value in secondary education, for the development of personal autonomy and the global formation of a democratic citizenship. The starting point is the experience of teaching philosophy to future secondary education philosophy teachers, based on a conception of philosophy formulated by the Italian philosopher G. Vattimo and linked to the so-called right to philosophy formulated by the French philosopher J. Derrida. From this point of view, the form and function of the teaching of philosophy in secondary education are examined. And, in conclusion, as measures to reinforce and improve the fulfillment of its aims, the recourse to the thematic heritage of the so-called history of philosophy in teaching and the use of objective tests in the evaluation are proposed.


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Derrida, J. (1990), Du droit à la philosophie. Paris: Éditions Galilée.
Derrida, J. (1997), Le droit à la philosophie du point de vue cosmo-politique. Vendôme: Éditions Unesco-Verdier.
Martínez Quintanar, M.A. (2015), Filosofía. 1º Bachillerato. A Coruña: Bahía.
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Nussbaum, M.C. (2010), Sin fines de lucro. Por qué la democracia necesita de las humanidades. Trad. cast. María Victoria Rodil. Madrid: Katz Editores.
Oliveira Malvar, M., Alonso Rodríguez, A.M., García Castro, X., Pérez Fernández, A., Rodríguez de Rávena, R. y Vázquez Freire, M. (2009). Historia de la Filosofía. 2º Bachillerato. Vigo: Xerais.
Pérez Vérez, P. y Otero Couso, L. (2008). Ética y filosofía del derecho. 2º Bachillerato. Vigo: Xerais.
Regueiro Tenreiro, M. y Martínez Quintanar, M.A. (2011a). Ser cidadán. A Coruña: Galinova.
Regueiro Tenreiro, M. y Martínez Quintanar, M.A. (2011b). Saber convivir. A Coruña: Galinova.
Vattimo, G. (2012). Vocación y responsabilidad del filósofo, trad. cast. Antoni Martínez Rió. Barcelona: Herder.
How to Cite
García Soto, L. (2021). Philosophy and Teaching. Critical Hermeneutics, (Special I), 365-386.