From Art-Aesthetics coupling to the Aestheticfagia of Art

  • Maria Gabriela Castro


The theory that we present in this article, and which we have called Aestheticophagy of Art, is a result of our reflection about the relationship between art and aesthetics, and the dynamics that each one of the terms has in the philosophical reflection of Aesthetics. If we can see artworks with different characteristics over the centuries, the way that we see it today, implies its degeneration as art, and its overlapping as an aesthetic object which provokes an aesthetic emotion, where questioning and amazement are now part of the new range of aesthetic categories. In this context, we assume that art is absorbed by aesthetics, which justifies the designation of our theory of an Aestheticophagy of Art as the great characteristic of Aesthetics, in the 21st century.


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How to Cite
Castro, M. G. (2021). From Art-Aesthetics coupling to the Aestheticfagia of Art. Critical Hermeneutics, (Special I), 225-238.