The Hermeneutic Mission of Philosophy in the Age of New Humanism

  • Maria Luísa Portocarrero


It is the aim of this text to understand how the concepts of formation, common sense, judgment and taste, rehabilitated by H.-G. Gadamer, are essential beacons of the human sciences and of Humanism, today so much demanded by some sectors of the harsh sciences, such as medicine. Humanizing services and behaviors is a contemporary complaint that needs conductive categories and of real hermeneutics testimonies. Philosophy must therefore indicate the ways.


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Gadamer, H.-G. (1986). Gesammelte Werke. Hermeneutik I. Wahr-heit und Methode 1, Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik. Tubingen.
Mattei, J. F. (2015). L’homme dévasté. Paris.
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Sérgio, M. (2004). Alguns olhares sobre o corpo. Lisboa: Piaget.
How to Cite
Portocarrero, M. L. (2021). The Hermeneutic Mission of Philosophy in the Age of New Humanism. Critical Hermeneutics, (Special I), 79-92.