The “Two Cultures” and Philosophy

  • Acílio da Silva Estanqueiro Rocha


In a Symposium on “Philosophy today: the need for Humanities in future world building”, it is difficult not to think about C. P. Snow’s famous conference on the “Two Cultures”, and the controversy it originated over more than six decades. To the diagnoses then assessed, we intend to oppose other works, either in the field of philosophy with the work of Bachelard, or with other names that are both distinguished themselves in the scientific field and in the arts and humanities This presents us with an excellent opportunity to reflect on interdisciplinarity and correlations that may be promoted between the sciences and the humanities, also showing, perhaps, that the “two cultures” it is an outdated dichotomy.


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How to Cite
da Silva Estanqueiro Rocha, A. (2021). The “Two Cultures” and Philosophy. Critical Hermeneutics, (Special I), 43-78.