Can Truth Only Save Us? Cinema and the Conflict of Interpretations

  • Maria Teresa Pacilé


The cinematographic symbolic-narrative fabric constitutes one of the most interesting areas of research on the significant interplay between psychoanalysis and hermeneutics: the analysis of two works, Shutter Island (2010, Martin Scorsese) and Inception (2010, Christopher Nolan) will attest to the density of meaning and heuristic validity of the Ricoeurian concept of “narrative identity” and, at the same time, will open up to a reflection on a disturbing question: “can only Truth save?”. Will the protagonists be able to create the Ariadne's thread capable of saving them from the obscure labyrinth of their interiority? Leading to different outcomes, the conflict of the interpretations of cinema will force philosophy to face a head-on collision with the repressed trauma that has always distressed its unconscious: Truth. It can save (and not only be therapeutic) only if it does not destroy the fragility of the individual and instead gives him a new birth, the possibility of “living in spite of everything” by symbolically inhabiting the wound that constitutes him.


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How to Cite
Pacilé, M. (2021). Can Truth Only Save Us? Cinema and the Conflict of Interpretations. Critical Hermeneutics, 4(2), 109-135.